Surface Finishing Technology Utilizing Sandblastin...
14 Feb 2025
Abrasive blasting is the common term used for finishing processes that require high-pressure propulsion of a stream of abrasive material towards the surface of a material. It is used in many surface finishing purposes like cleaning (removing previous coatings and contaminants), stripping, etching, strengthening, polishing, modifying the shape and smoothing or roughening the surface. There are a variety of abrasive blasting applications and different types of blasting materials are used by each of these applications. These blasting materials used in the application is generally referred to as “blasting media”.
Choosing the right blasting media is the key to attaining a coating application that lasts. With the right blasting media, we can get the job done quickly and more efficiently thereby maximizing the profit. Here are few things you should keep in mind while choosing the blasting media:
In case you are unsure if the surface that you are blasting can handle a more abrasive material, it is always better to start with a gentle medium. Glass beads can be used as blasting media if you are trying to achieve a smooth, bright finish.If you are looking for general cleaning applications and paint removal, Aluminium oxide can be used since it’s harder and sharper than glass beads. It’s most commonly used for glass etching.
It is always ideal to use Plastic as blasting media for Automotive and Aerospace Applications. Plastic is an extremely soft material which makes it perfect for removing paint from the surface of fibreglass parts.Silicon carbide is one of the hardest abrasive blasting material. It servers the purpose in fast etching of most challenging surface finishing applications like glass, stone or other hard surfaces.
Using Steel shot and steel grit as media is a cost-effective alternative to other blasting media because of its toughness and high recyclability. It can be used for many purposes like removing contaminants, polishing and peening applications etc. Walnut shells are ideal for polishing soft materials, wood, fibreglass, plastic and stone.
Corn cob is softer and naturally occurring abrasive and is good for burnishing, cleaning, deburring and de-flashing applications. It is mainly applicable in industries like fibreglass, jewelry, engine parts and cutlery. It is also useful in getting rid of graffiti or debris from wood, stone or brick.
The fact that Aluminum Oxide can be recycled and reclaimed multiple times makes it a cost-effective blasting abrasive. Since Aluminum Oxide is harder than most abrasives, the particles will be less shattered during the process giving way to lower dust levels.
Garnets are the only eco-friendly abrasive material in the world. Using Garnets guarantee productivity and efficiency due to their toughness and hardness.Being one of the most reputed organizations in the metal finishing industry, JetBlast has got both experience and expertise to assist you in choosing the best blasting media as per your requirement. Feel free to get in touch with our experts to gain more information about various types of abrasive blasting media we offer.
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